Saturday 10 August 2013

The Secret To Long Eyelashes

Every girl wants eyelashes that flutter like butterflies, me included. I would like to say that my eyelashes are one of my better assets, something which I like to enhance. Therefore, I have searched all over for 'the secret.' I've used: vaseline, a £30 eyelash 'grower' (in inverted commas because it was total crap), various high-street/ high-end mascaras, eyelash curlers, vitamins, eyelash primer, etc etc etc. And the secret to great eyelashes?


The only thing which gives you killer lashes like butterflies: a lot of mascara (and patience.) Yes, if your eyelashes are straight I would recommend an eyelash curler (mine aren't so I don't ever use one) but otherwise all you need is 2 mascaras - one for volumizing and one for lengthening. And the best mascara? There isn't one. Mascara is the same - whether from Maybelline to Chanel. I wouldn't bother spending vast amounts on mascara for killer lashes as there is NO SECRET INGREDIENT. As long as tried and tested to work on your eyelash, it really doesn't matter.

I would suggest that you do your eye makeup in this order:
1. Eyeshadow (optional)
2. Eyeliner (optional)
3. Curl eyelashes (if necessary)
4. Lengthening mascara
5. Volumizing mascara, one eye then the other and then repeat
6. Lengthening mascara
7. Volumizing mascara, (in a zigzag motion so that they are not clumped)

I would finish by getting an implement with a sharp edge (maybe even an eyeliner brush) and separating them. - I use nail scissors but do not try this unless you are aware of what you are doing and you have a steady hand!

Basically, the secret is - continue applying mascara until they look good - it can take from 2- 20 minutes.
x S

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