Saturday 10 August 2013

The Secret To Long Eyelashes

Every girl wants eyelashes that flutter like butterflies, me included. I would like to say that my eyelashes are one of my better assets, something which I like to enhance. Therefore, I have searched all over for 'the secret.' I've used: vaseline, a £30 eyelash 'grower' (in inverted commas because it was total crap), various high-street/ high-end mascaras, eyelash curlers, vitamins, eyelash primer, etc etc etc. And the secret to great eyelashes?


The only thing which gives you killer lashes like butterflies: a lot of mascara (and patience.) Yes, if your eyelashes are straight I would recommend an eyelash curler (mine aren't so I don't ever use one) but otherwise all you need is 2 mascaras - one for volumizing and one for lengthening. And the best mascara? There isn't one. Mascara is the same - whether from Maybelline to Chanel. I wouldn't bother spending vast amounts on mascara for killer lashes as there is NO SECRET INGREDIENT. As long as tried and tested to work on your eyelash, it really doesn't matter.

I would suggest that you do your eye makeup in this order:
1. Eyeshadow (optional)
2. Eyeliner (optional)
3. Curl eyelashes (if necessary)
4. Lengthening mascara
5. Volumizing mascara, one eye then the other and then repeat
6. Lengthening mascara
7. Volumizing mascara, (in a zigzag motion so that they are not clumped)

I would finish by getting an implement with a sharp edge (maybe even an eyeliner brush) and separating them. - I use nail scissors but do not try this unless you are aware of what you are doing and you have a steady hand!

Basically, the secret is - continue applying mascara until they look good - it can take from 2- 20 minutes.
x S

Thursday 8 August 2013

The Perfect Red Lip ∼ Russian Red, Mac.

I would guestimate that there are over 100 different shades of red lipstick, with both huge and minute differences. It's always assumed that with so many different colours it will be easy to find one which suits you - but I thought the opposite: until July 2013 I had never found a red lipstick which has suited me. My mum swears by red lipstick, using it everyday. Always a little jealous, I was desperate to find the perfect red lip that made me look sleek and sophisticated mature. Trying out friends, my mother's and multiple swatches in various high-end/ high-street stores, I always came to the same conclusion: I look like a clown in red lipstick. 

...Until, THIS.

Russian Red by Mac has always been a cult favourite for makeup artists, beauty bloggers, youtubers, regular people and celebrities. From the likes of Kim Kardashian, Mary-Kate (or Ashley - goodness knows which) and Anne Hathaway, it became evident to me that this shade was used frequently. But, I never wondered why.


I came across Russian Red by chance, using a friends. Although looking at this bold colour I assumed it would be yet another shade that made me a clown; I was surprised with the result. After purchasing it the very next day, I am happy to say I have found a shade of red that suits me. I finally understood what the hype is about! What is so versatile about Russian Red is that it suits EVERY skin colour. Because I look just like Anne Hathaway... Unfortunately I do not have the looks of the celebrities above, but the colour works on them as it works on me: it's a must-have.

Many people have compared this shade to that of Ruby Woo, also by Mac. Having swatched it in the store before purchasing Russian Red, I was surprised - they are not similar in the slightest. Albeit both shades of red, Ruby Woo contains more orange whilst Russian Red is more blue-toned. Although I am sure Ruby Woo looks great on some people, I don't think it contains the versatility of Russian Red. It is less pigmented and more alarming bright. It is safe to say that Russian Red is a classic, one which I will continue to use. x S

Lifesaver Spot Cream ∼ Quinoderm Review.

I discovered quinoderm through a friend who had got the name off another girl who has amaaaazing skin. Having never heard of this cream, I immediately looked up reviews on google/ youtube. This, added with the skin of the girl i know almost sealed the deal for me - I had to get it! Before splurging spending £4.28, I tried my friends out; expecting dramatic results. Currently suffering from three large spots  three extra eyes between my eyebrows, I was desperate. After applying two/ three times throughout the day, I went home rather disappointed - the spots remained red, large and angry (you know how it is.) However, after 3-4 days my skin was as clear as a whistle! I had never seen it so spot-free! And it was undoubtedly down to this. Moral of the story: don't expect immediate results. I wanted the stinging sensation my friend felt, basically telling hertha there spots were disappearing (be warned: stinging involved, I didn't get this as I'm used to large amounts - 5/10% benzoyl peroxide on my skin.) I believe the results would still have been worth it if my sting stung (nice bitta alliteration there.) This cream does leave the skin very dry, but that's because it is designed to dry out your spots. 

After purchasing the quinderm 5 and 10 cream (5 and 10% of benzoyl peroxide), I would recommend you use the quinoderm 5 first to help relieve the stinging, especially if you are not used to high amounts of benzoyl peroxide and then you can work up to the quinoderm 10 if necessary. The great thing about this is that you can purchase both as they are so inexpensive. I do suggest you use a thicker moisturiser and apply it around 3 time a day, I used bobbi brown. 

In the UK you can apparently purchase quinoderm in boots of lloyds pharmacies (although I haven't seen it in either and I checked out the Oxford Street AND Westfield boots.) However, you can buy it on multiple websites - I used amazon but a simple google search will find you many more (and cheaper) alternatives :) Good luck!! x S